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Status projekta  -  
U tijeku
Vrijednost projekta  - 
36.595,00 Eura
Nositelj  -  
Romski resursni centar
Partneri  -  
Cigány Szociális és Művelődési Módszertani Bázis Egyesület - Hungary Romsko društvo Romano Veseli - Slovenia

Project Reference: 2023-1-HR01-KA152-YOU-000141153

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals

Action Type: Mobility of young people

Start date 01-06-2023

End date 29-02-2024

Youth exchange"Together we can do everything!" which will be implemented through non-formal work methods, was jointly designed by organizations from Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia as a response to a series of challenges faced by their members. The project, in which participants of predominantly Roma origin will take part, consists of a preparatory visit that will be carried out in August and a youth exchange that will be carried out in October 2023.The main goal of the project is to increase awareness of cultural diversity and to contribute to the feeling that the present cultural diversity is welcome in our society.During our project, the partnership also set additional, specific goals:- Acquisition and development of knowledge and skills such as interpersonal skills, cultural awareness, expression and multilingualism- To enable the participants to participate actively in all activities- Raise awareness of cultural differences and promote intercultural learning- Increasing awareness of the cultural diversity and multiculturalism of the wider communityAll the activities of our exchange are designed by the participants themselves, and they are facilitated by group leaders in accordance with the goals of exchanges for young people of the Erasmus+ program. This exchange will be able to serve as an example of good practice with people who experience stigmatization, because during all the months of implementation of this project, through a series of workshops, we will increase their self-confidence, desire to participate, learn and further progress, which is of extreme importance for this target group.
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Aktivnosti udruge

Udruga Romski resursni centar osnovan je 2002. godine pod nazivom Romsko kulturno umjetničko društvo „Darda“. Udruga je počela sa kulturno umjetničkim aktivnostima s ciljem očuvanja tradicije i običaja Roma na području Baranje,


Naše vrijednosti

Drugi cilj Udruge bio je okupljanje mladih Roma i Romkinja na sigurno mjesto kako bi kvalitetno provodili svoje slobodno vrijeme te kako bi ih se udaljilo od štetnih utjecaja koje ih je okruživalo.Programi i projekti koji su se godinama provodili u Udruzi bili su kulturno umjetničkog karaktera i fokus je bio na kulturnom stvaralaštvu Roma.

2010. godine Udruga počinje prilagođavati svoje aktivnosti i one više nisu usmjerene isključivo na kulturno umjetničkom stvaralaštvu i smanjivanju diskriminacije već i prema važnosti osnovnoškolskog i srednjoškolskog obrazovanja.

Promicanja multietničnosti i multikulturalnosti

Okupljanja građana Roma i ne Roma, djece i mladih u cilju njegovanja i očuvanja kulturno umjetničkog stvaralaštva, kulturnih tradicija i običaja te druženja

Očuvanja i promoviranja kulturne baštine i osnaživanja nacionalnog identiteta Roma.